Patrick - It's a known fact that Michael Moore is a spin doctor of the highest degree. Let us go over some of his oversights (read "lies") in "Bowling For Columbine", shall we?
  • What kind of bank would actually let you walk out holding a fucking rifle, no less twirling it like John Wayne? That particular bank does give you a gun, yes, but that whole "transaction" was staged. You have to sign up for a long-term CD, then they do a background check on you. If that background check passes, they give you a coupon for the free firearm, which you can then go pick up at a gun shop.
  • The so-called missles he showed you at that plant right by Columbine High School were also faux. That plant does make rockets, but they are not ballistic ones, they are made for launching satellites into outer space.
  • In Canada nobody locks their doors, right? Puh-leeze. A group of Canadian broadcasters went on "The Howard Stern Show" shortly after that movie came out and said that that is a total exaggeration. Canadians still lock their doors, just as Americans do, just as anybody else in the fucking world.
  • The advertisement he showed that lambasted Bush was tampered with heavily. Bush's face was never in the actual commercial, in fact, it was superimposed onto it later by a group that opposed him.
  • As far as Marilyn Manson's and violent video games' involvement in violence in the real world, that is simply a cop-out. If you want to read something hilarious, go to Congressman Joe Baca's supposed " fact sheet " on a bill he tried to pass aimed at protecting children from violent video games. Some of those "facts" are so obviously hare-brained and false, you cannot help but wonder what this guy is thinking. He is surely out-of-touch with young people, that much is for sure. He makes some totally ridiculous claims as well: one of my favorites says that certain video games allow you to rape women...what the fuck game is he talking about? I am a huge fan of video games and have been for my whole life and I have never seen a game like that. If he is talking about some Hentai shit, then maybe, but who the fuck even plays those games? They are surely not available at any mainstream store! The same goes with music - it does not cause violence among young people. I recommend checking out this document , which proves that there is relatively no connection between violence in the media and violence committed by young people.
  • There is a part where he quotes a dollar figure of spending on a certain type of airplane by the government...I don't recall the exact details about this but I remember that this number was grossly inflated and certain points were left out. I think he tried to say that that amount was the total being spent on that plane when in actuality it was the total amount of money in the budget for that branch of government.

The Columbine massacre was clearly caused by two disturbed little shits who should have been dealt with earlier, had their parents not had their heads up their own asses. Also, how many people have been saved by guns? It's a shame he didn't include that statistic in the movie...on second thought, he probably would have butchered that one too, so maybe it's better he left it out.
Here is a word of advice to everyone here: please take what comes from Michael Moore's fat-ass mouth with a grain of salt. We will all be better for it in the end.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986