This thread is to say what your ethnicity is
What about you guys?
You're all those things, Nicky? Christ, you're like a pot of stew.
I'm Italian American. Born here. Parents born here. All four grandparents born in Italy.
I stress the American part because all too often you'll get guys on these boards (and in real life) who overdo the Italian thing so much, you just know they're overcompensating for something. It's like they have an identity crisis.
And that's not to say that I don't feel close to the culture because God knows I do. I lived in Lauropoli, Cosenza for almost two years before I got married, and we still own the property where my paternal grandmother was born in that town.
I just hate all the
phony ginzo shit. Like the guy who thinks he's a real Italian because he memorized the words to a Jerry Vale song, but doesn't speak a word of Italian otherwise. It's like when Paulie Walnuts went to Italy and asked for macaroni and regular gravy
