I know DK is right. Many do stay on welfare because it pays more than min. wage job, however that still does not make it right.

I also agree with you FS, and the idea of a supplemental income is good, but there must be a limit. It should be of assistance while one gets "on their feet" only, not a way of life. Many lose all incentive to even try when it's given to them. Let's face it, you have to work and earn money, not to mention get some kind of schooling, (if they want to make a little better than average money) in some specialized area these days. It does take a willingness and desire to want to succeed though. Assistance for only the "needy" for a few years until they are able to do this is a good idea.

Yet, I feel for Patches, who seems to be getting the butt end of the deal. Patches, I never understood why more effort couldn't be given to "make" these deadbeat fathers pay their fair share. Like I mentioned above, I was fortunate not to have that problem, but am well aware that a good many women do not get any help from deadbeat dads. If they cracked down on them, that would definitely ease the welfare system a great deal, don't you think?


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon