Offtopic: How can you agree or disagree with Kerry on anything when he doesn't even have a firm stance on the issues? :p


Ontopic: Not even in rape is abortion justified. Killing an innocent life is the most abhorrent act that can be committed by one human being upon another imho. It is not the child's fault that he/she is created out of a deviant and despicable act; it is a life regardless of how conception occurs.

These feminists who go 'round screaming "It's a woman's choice" should consider the fact that every human being has unalienable rights (especially so in the United States, though they are defiled by abortion). Killing a sentient being is wrong in it's own right, but to kill ones own flesh and can you live with yourself? Many women who have had abortions have regretted doing so, perhaps the most publicized "turn around" would be in the Roe v. Wade case. By the time the case was over, she had given birth. But regardless, she is now a strong pro-life advocate.

Some may find my stance hypocritical that I support the death penalty, yet vehementally oppose abortion. The oft aimed-at-Republicans saying: "Before you're born, you are priceless. But once you're out of the womb, you can be put in the electric chair." The difference is this: the child inside a womans body is pure (save for original sin; cleansed through baptism) and wholly innocent. Free from any poison or ills that afflict society today. It's like choosing take a gun, and having a choice: to save Osama Bin Laden or kill an unborn child simply because the child is unwanted...

I think I've talked about this before, but if a pregnant women is killed by a drunk driver, it's double-homicide. Yet the intentional murder of an unborn child by a liscensed physician is legally and morally acceptable??? I think not. Perhaps the ends justify the means in the case of abortionist Dr. Barnett Slepian, who was killed in Amhearst (a suburb of Buffalo) a few years ago by James Kopp, who took a high powered rifle and shot him. Call me morbid, but I think what Kopp did is not entirely wrong. Killing that man stopped the suffering and death of unborn children.

I think that if my wife/girlfriend ever did have an abortion, my reaction would be even stronger then that of Michael Corleone in GF II. I cannot begin to fathom the immediate disgust I would hold in my heart. Of course again, the response: "Many men are not responsible for the child they create." While that may be true, neither are women who leave their child for three days (to go snort crack) alone in his room, and come back to find he has electrocuted himself by sticking a stapler into an outlet. This happened in Buffalo fairly recently. Another reason why I wholly support adoptions, especially considering that it could be the ultimate gift. If you live in poverty and know you cannot care for your child, why not give him or her the best chance they've got? Choose life. Not death.

It's not a choice. It's murder.