Highly against it... surprise surprise.

Look... Science today is showing more than ever before that tha unborn fetus is a living person. It also shows that it even suffers pain during the process. There isnt much doubt in the scientific world, and there shouldnt be much doubt in the real world that abortion is wrong.

And that doesnt even mention the moral reasons. If you believe in god at all then you wouldnt even touch the possibility of abortion. I know having a child for some women is difficult, but denying it the right to have a life is nothing short of murder. Worse comes to worse, you could always give it up for adoption.

Now I am not against contraceptives. I dont see a problem with the morning after pill. I think more work should be done to improve contraceptives so this issue can go away, because frankly, it sickens me.

"You can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once."
-Amarillo Slim