This is a very complicated issue for many reasons. First of all, the issue of rape has been brought up. If abortion is made illegal, then women who were impregnated threw rape shouldn't be treated as special; yet at the same time they shouldn't have to carry a baby for 9 months and take care of it for 18 years if it wasn't their fault. So that would be a hole in the system that would take a long time to deal with.

I think abortion is a horrible thing to do to an unborn child, yet I am pro-choice. In my mind, technically an unborn child isn't murdered as it was never legally alive. Yet, as it was mentioned, if a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, he is charged with killing them both. This is another important issue.

Morally, it is definitely wrong, but legally I think women should have a choice.


"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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