It is a true concept but the problem is is that in this topic there is no right or wrong...
We are debating whether
murder is right or wrong?!? :rolleyes:
After all, we are focusing a little too much on something that is little more than a cell from inside your cheek, rather than a 16-17 year old girl who still has high school and college to deal with...
Typical rationalization. You can rationalize it all you want. As human beings, and as knowledged individuals, we ALL know that that cell divides and grows constantly to become a full grown human being. You rationalize significance with size. Pure ignorance.
I didn't know fetuses had a choice. And the next time a child chooses to play in the middle of the highway - don't take the choice away from him!
As I said before, it's easy for a person to win an argument (or choose, in this case) with a sentient being that is unable to communicate.
And by comparing it to something like that is, again, ignorance. A child playing with in the highway is caused by a lack of responsibility by the parents and, quite frankly, the innocence of a does a child know any better?
That being said, I certainly understand biology enough to know that any animal has a distinct instinct to stay alive. Aren't you glad you weren't aborted? But hell, if you were, hmm...let's think...wouldn't you be pretty pissed???
I am for abortion. Banning abortion for everyone just because some think its wrong, is wrong itself. If you think its wrong, then dont have the abortion, thats your choice. But if youre preganant with a kid you dont want, why should you be forced to give birth.Sure, theres adoption, but the mother ultimatly has to go through carring it to term.Now I'm not saying three days before its born, abort it, but until it comes out, it is not a human being yet!
46 chromosomes. Yep, it's a human. Again, regardless of it's size and current cellular complexity, it is genetically a human being.
"Forced" to give birth? A.) Try thinking about the consequences before fucking (this doesn't count for the blameless rape victims, obviously). B.) There are other options besides abortion for rape victims and unintentional parents; adoption being the greatest of those for a parent who does not wish to be a parent at this point. It saves a life.
In my mind, technically an unborn child isn't murdered as it was never legally alive. Yet, as it was mentioned, if a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, he is charged with killing them both.
Thug, the law should be changed. We have rationalized murder by saying "it isn't a child" but then what about pre-mature babies? Are they "inhuman" or "unhuman" because they are not carried the full 9-months to term? What about miscarriages? Do the parents not greive over the loss of the child?
Or are they happy because, well, it never was a child to begin with? :rolleyes:
On another note, I try not to leave this as a unilateral decision by the mother, because quite frankly it is not her decision alone. It takes two to tango, two to get through, and two to make a baby. The father is just as responsible and quite frankly as equal in the decision making with regards to his child.