My point was simply that a loss of a child, regardless of how far along it was, is still a significant thing. There are obviously people like yourself who are both mentally and financially able to understand the concept that children are a blessing. The problem is that when we trivialize life; or we rationalize it by saying that "it is the equivalent of a cheek cell," we demean life itself.
Plawrence, I understand your point completely. It is clearly obvious that I stand on my little soapbox here and I will preach my opinion till the cows come home.
I know in my mind and my heart that I cannot afford (financially or mentally) a child at this point. Consequently, while I might not be the most oversexed person you meet on the street (or more appropriately, the college campus), I certainly won't be carrying along all the extra responsibility that being a parent demands.
That being said, I would do whatever it takes to support my child. Look at Patches for a perfect example. It is obvious she loves her child very much and sacrifices to raise him the best way she can.
The concept of abortion is a morally abhorrent one, and hopefully, will become illegal. There are people out there who would give their right arm to be able to have kids, but are unable to (for whatever biological reasons). Why would anyone choose death if it is painfully obvious that there are people out there who are willing to make the committment to become loving and supportive parents to a child that isn't even biologically theirs?!?