Originally posted by DeathByClotheshanger:
[quote]Actually, their is a right and wrong in this topic. Aborting a child is wrong, and I really don't understand how any human being could support the murder of an innocent person. I really feel no sympathy for girls that get pregnant and then feel free to murder a baby to make themselves feel better. Just because you made a bad decision does not mean you can kill the child to avoid the consequences. Either give birth and raise the child yourself, or put it up for adoption. Why is that so hard?
How about you take the child after it is born then? If you feel so strongly about it, take the child, and be responsible for it, and then raise it until it is 18 and old enough to be on its own.
I don't think people should pay so dearly for one mistake in their lives. Lord knows everyone here has made mistakes... [/quote]Yes, you are suggesting someone else take the child...isn't that adoption?!?
You don't think someone should pay so dearly for a mistake? I agree. I don't think a baby should be MURDERED because the "parents" made a bad choice. :rolleyes: