I think it may be more traumatic to a woman to actually carry and give birth to a child and give it up for adoption than to abort early on in the pregancy stage. It's a double edged sword, but one side is sharper than the other.
Look, I am for abortion. I'm not saying that everyone should be using it as a form of birth control. But it is there for a reason it exists. IMO, society doesn't need any more children who won't be properly cared for and will contribute to the crime that happens in most urban areas. And that is where my pro-abortion stance comes from, urban areas overwrought with teenagers having children while mired in poverty, eventually growing into a life of crime. I think if schools were more supportive of giving out condoms, this would help. Abortion is at the end of a preventative process that all urban areas should use.
Being adopted, I am sure that you are thankful that your mother didn't opt for an abortion, Lord knows I would be too. Anyone would.
But no one is going to convince me of a reason to totally get rid of abortion. If someone opts to do it, it's their choice.