Originally posted by DeathByClotheshanger:
I think it may be more traumatic to a woman to actually carry and give birth to a child and give it up for adoption than to abort early on in the pregancy stage.
Much, much more.
I know a couple of women who've had abortions in the early stage of pregnancy, and while they didn't take it lightly, they were far from traumatized by it.
On the other hand, I know a woman who got pregnant accidently and agreed to carry the baby until term, when
some people she knew :rolleyes: were planning to adopt.
It's been ugly all the way around.
You're right in what you say about urban areas, and that abortion is (very unfortunately) the final step in the contraception process, but for me the bottom line is that in the early stages of pregnancy we are not dealing with a "person" yet, and, as such, it still should be a matter of choice for the mother.