And, again, I must pose the question: What are the odds that the unborn child --
even if he/she was conceived only 2 minutes ago -- will, if left unchecked and unaborted, be born? Naturally, there are miscarriages, complications, etc. But, as a rule, the odds are pretty good that the child will exit the womb alive and well. And yet, until he/she is visibly out of the womb, he/she is not a real person??? Come on! That's like saying a summer storm isn't a "real" summer storm until a tornado pops out of the cloud! Listen folks,
if there's a heartbeat, there's a person.
Location or
time of conception has nothing to do with whether or not the unborn child is a real "person" or not.
Using a negative example (but the same medium of this kind of argument), if one is diagnosed with say, brain cancer, is the doctor going to say, "Well, it's not really cancer until it grows to the size of a golfball and it's been 5 months past the diagnosis, so we can't operate until it's a real cancer" ?? What are the odds that this malignant brain tumor -- if left unchecked --will ravage this patient's body and kill him? Or
is it not a real cancer until it visibly deforms the patient's head? It's still cancer even if it just popped up 2 minutes ago! Likewise, an unborn child is still a real person even if he/she were conceived 2 minutes ago.
And, no disrespect to those who claim to be "pro-choice," but I fail to see how one can claim that and yet turn around and say they're against abortion. It would seem to me that logic dictates if one is for a "woman's choice," and the woman decides to kill her baby, then he is -- by simple logic and conclusion -- pro-abortion. It's absolutely impossible for
anyone to claim neutrality on this matter. You're either for life, or (either directly or indirectly) against it. Seems pretty black & white to me.