Originally posted by Saladbar:
Anti-Life?? I find it almost humorous that so many PRO-LIFE turn a blind eye to the 10000 or so innocent civilian lives lost (necessary and unfortunate in times of war, ha) in Iraq, or the current genocides in the world by dictators that would make Saddam blush. Nuke 'em or Ignore all those precious LIVES.

Adoption? How simple if you are a cute little Anglo baby with all the potential to grow up to be smart, beautiful or handsome like LDV and PL. Babies of color, born with AIDS, fetal alcohol syndrome, genetic or acquired disabilities wait in droves for adoption. There aren't enough families willing to adopt a "special needs" child. Let the State take care of them..but now wait! Cut welfare because it is for lazy people! Forget their lives and just make sure the programs that help the most vulnerable are cut as part of the "budget" crisis or during "cut the fat tax cuts."

If you want abortion to be eliminated, eliminate the reasons women feel abortion is the best choice - remove domestic violence, poverty, social, financial and career penalties for being a mother, make sure all children have enough to eat, a safe place to sleep, and all parents can have affordable and safe day care. Make domestic adoption less perilous, time consuming and gut wrenching. Provide all children with proper knowledge of sex, sexuality, STD's, birth control, etc. Enforce child support collection. Are you pro-lifers doing any of this? Funny, I'm considered "anti-life" but probably do more to try to help LIVES (through volunteer work) that some "pro-lifers".
1.) Again, where have we pro-lifers (in this thread at least) turned a blind eye? I thought I made very clear the idea of purity and innocence regarding a child. Not that killing in war is right; but you are bringing a totally separate issue here to rationize and trivialize the abhorrent procedure that is abortion.

2.) That's funny...most couples I know that have adopted (not that I know many myself, mostly through my parents or other "adult" friends) have children of foreign descent. It is (from what I understand) difficult to obtain American babies at this point. Perhaps someone who knows more about the process at this moment can clarify...

3.) I don't think any of us "pro-lifers" are condemning anything you mentioned if it would be improved. Those are all noble tasks. But there comes a point where people who are NOT in that situation and have all those benefits and STILL commit murder.


As long as we are removing "penalties" for being a mother, let's get rid of the marriage tax.