Top 7 - Rock Musicfeaturing guitarist Orianthi
B+ Janelle "You May Be Right"
B Lazaro "We Are The Champions"
B Angie "Bring Me To Life"
B- Burnell "You Give Love a Bad Name"
B- Kree "Peace of My Heart"
B- Candice "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
B- Amber "What About Love"
BURNELL was good, but seemed a little subdued.
K: Looked a bit uncomfortable, love voice, but make it your own; N: Still lovable; R: Ride beat harder; M: Proud of you, had fun with it
DUET: Angie & Lazaro, "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" (B/C-)
KREE was okay, but something was missing.
R: Show finally started tonight, IITWI; M: True artist, possibly my favorite of yours; K: Something going on [pinched nerve]; N: Mag-nificient, established
DUET: Candice & Burnell, "The Letter" (A/B)
JANELLE made it hers, yet still rocked.
K: Came out like a pro, not best song, such a contender; N: Exceptional perfection; R: Real, honest, felt like a concert; M: Compelled, it's you, it's real
LAZARO was actually not bad.
N: Giving me some hispanic-tease; R: Did a good job, props; M: Good job, great choice; K: Great choice
TRIO: Amber, Janelle & Kree, "It's Still R&R To Me" (D, tho 3 judges loved it?)
CANDICE I didn't feel most of the time.
M: Bravisima; K: Power never wanes; N: Amazing, but fell asleep; R: Brought attitude, not perfect song
AMBER could've been better, a bit screechy.
R: Great song choice; N: Striking, believable, fave of night; R: Didn't lose Amber in there; M: Amazing, great job
ANGIE was a little off, but this could've been great.
N: Perfect choice for you, kudos; R: Amazing job; M: Make it Angie; K: Rock is about feel, have ability to do that
So, Candice gets my first A of the season in her duet (maybe because she so out-classed Burnell), but I didn't feel her in the solo.
My Top 3 got 10 votes apiece, and so did #4 Burnell cuz I like him. 5 pts each to Candice and Kree because they deserve to stay. That's some votes for everyone but Amber, whose time I think is about over.