Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: Gotti
Slightly off subject but is it true Lucky Luciano set up Vito Genovese to go to jail for trafficking heroin?

I've not read it but i wouldn't be surprised if that originated from The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano which is notorious for it's bs.

I tend to agree though I don´t remember reading it in the Last Testament of.... (But that was 25 years ago and I gave away the book to a friend, which I regret now actually.)

Here is an excerpt from an article done by Thom L. Jones on Nelson Cantellops, the man who testified against Vito Genovese. Thom L. Jones always do thoroughly research before writing a piece:

"Rumours have long existed that Cantellops had been approached by a cartel of mobsters anxious to remove Genovese from the frame, for their own personal reasons. These four men, according to these underworld rumours, Charley Luciano in Naples, Italy, and Frank Costello, Myer Lansky and Carlo Gambino in America, had put up a $100,000 bribe to induce Nelson to co-operate with the narcotic bureau and help convict Genovese. Costello would obviously have a vested reason in doing this, bearing in mind that he almost certainly knew Genovese was behind the attempt on his life. A rider to the bribe was that it had to include Gigante in the conspiracy so that he would do time as penance for his bungled attempt on Frank. Jimmy ‘Blue Eyes’ Alo, a senior capo in the Genovese family, is alleged to have arranged for an intermediately to travel to Sing Sing prison, and present Cantellops with the deal. It’s cute and cheesy, like a plot out of a Hank Jansen novel. But as a compelling reason upon which to build a hypotheses, about as ephemeral as a butterfly."


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