Welcome back Don Cardi!! What are your thoughts of this season of WD?
Hey Miggy! I thought that overall it was a pretty good season. In my opinion one of the high points of the season was that they finally showed us that the character, Morgan Jones, was still alive.....although a completely transformed and changed man from season one. There is no question that his whole demeanor and his morphing into a cold blooded person was a wake up call to Rick in that he (Rick) saw himself in Morgan. I believe that his encounter with Morgan is what lead him back to the road of once again being a leader with a heart who valued the opinions of others and away from becoming the uncaring cold blooded bastard that he was quickly becoming.
Oh, and I am glad that they finally axed Andrea. She really was beginning to get on my nerves!

Hey Cardi, how the heck are you? I was worried that maybe Michonne took you and was using you for her pet or something.

Glad to see you're a WD fan. One of my favorites. Hope all is well with you.
Hey there Lady! All is well. Its been a really really busy winter for me. As for Michonne, I actually was hiding out in Sicily, at Signor Vitelli's place, until some things were cleared up and straightened out. (oh sorry, wrong movie / show)