Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: SilentPartnerz
No way you can legalize powders. NO WAY!!! Addiction rates will explode. Especially in the U.S. If you don't know anybody to get powders from, you cant use powders. Make them available at local stores...now EVERYONE knows where to score. Bad idea. Pot...no problem.

this is the false argument that is so often used. the legality of harder drugs such as heroin or cocaine has no bearing whatsoever on the mind of somebody who wishes to use them, period. ask anybody who has ever struggled with addiction, and they will tell you the same thing. as far as the availabilty, not hard to find at all, no matter where you are. the weird idea that we can somehow legislate morality, or that simply having a law in place will prevent people from using whatever chemicals they please, has been proven to be both false and ineffective as far back as we can remember. the costs to society are already here, and amplifying the problem by throwing boatloads of money towards an impossible enforcement does nothing but further strain us finacially, amplifying the original problem.

there are those on here who are going to argue that we should just execute everyone involved to fix the problem, but that amounts to nothing more than a barbaric copout that could be stupidly applied to any problem that requires hard work to fix and resolve. to quote ron paul "how many people on here would start using heroin if it was legal?" there are always going to be a few dummies, but my guess is not many.

I understand your rationale. However, here in ATL, if you don't know where to get "H", you are not going to get any. In Asbury Park, NJ, all you have to do is get off the train and ask the black guy in the hoodie down the block...done deal. Not so easy in non-urban areas outside of NYC, Chi.; Detroit, Balt.; etc. Those places have open air drug markets, most areas do not. That was my only point. Limited access creates limitations. Open access to all areas will create a situation where the drug can easily be obtained. Coke, meth; H are all too addictive. Create too many problems in the users lives. Same with booze. But, pot is another story. Aside from the munchies and watching too much T.V., there are not to many downsides to its use.

"Three can keep a secret..if two are dead."
Calogero Minacore