Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: afsenah77
I don't think the burden is on God, remember, I don't believe in God. I said once and I say again, if I'm the one that claims there's something and then expect everyone to believe in that, it's I who has to prove such a thing exists before expecting others to take me and what I say seriously. I don't care if each and everyone in the planet say it is so. Saying doesn't prove much. I need tangible evidence.

You are trying to say that this apparent design and complexity in world needs a creator. I respectfully disagree. As for the movements of planets, you could see once in a while a stray asteroid colliding with another body. Things are in sync till they aren't. Once they are not, they either concur and bring about a new world order, or go extinct. Same goes for creatures that are born everyday. There were once dinosaurs, but then the earth's order changed and they couldn't cope or change their environment and went extinct. Or look at a kid that's born with two heads, there's no design in that. It's as random as a coin toss. Either it works with this order, or changes the order in its favor, or goes extinct. There's nothing smart about this design that make me think there's a creator. A million other people could've been born instead of me to my parents. I don't consider me being here a divine intervention. To me, it's a random incident. So is this world.

This is part of your problem. You say if God doesn't prove Himself to you in just a certain way, you won't believe. You narrow the goal posts so much as to basically excuse yourself and your disbelief because you know it won't happen like that.

I clearly said I don't believe in God, let alone expect him to prove himself. But if you need to say a nonsense in there as your last word, so be it.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones