Originally posted by J Geoff:

Hardly anyone goes right to Heaven. If someone has committed *ANY* sins whatsover -- and hasn't attoned for them on this earth -- then they'll spend many years of "horrible punishment" in Purgatory.

According to Catholicism, Purgatory is a worse punishment than any possible punishment on earth. But, as opposed to Hell, it's temporary.

From what I understand from Catholicism... Purgatory is nasty, and, most of us will experience it... because... anyone with the slightest sin cannot be in the presence of the most divine. That's what they say: google it.

That scares me!
But remember what Paulie said. Even if we've sinned many, many times, the time we'll spend in purgatory is only a couples day's time here on Earth. We could do that standing on our heads. Its just a little detour on the road to paradise.

"As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster." - Henry Hill