Sorry I'm late again...

Top 5

Birthyear Songs
B  Candice  (1989) "Straight Up"
B  Kree     (1990) "She Talks To Angels"
B  Janelle  (1989) "When I Call Your Name"
B- Angie    (1994) "I'll Stand By You"
B- Amber    (1994) "Without You"

CANDICE had perfect vox as usual, interesting version of Abdul classic.
K: So good, great version; N: You're the boss; R: So in the zone; M: Smart, genius, A-mazing; J: Disagree, song had limited range

JANELLE was proficient, good vox, not very exciting.
N: Persuade you to use guitar more, angelic; R: Really great job, back were belong; M: I believed you, singing with whole heart; K: I didn't feel it

KREE was okay, less pro than first two.
R: Naturalness in spirit and voice; M: Can sing anything, organic; K: Voice is so fine; N: BOTN, felt current; J: Song not strong enough, Kumbaya

ANGIE had some rough notes but was okay.
M: Pefect; K: Beautiful tone; N: Great performance; R: Best Top 5 in a long long time, on your way; J: Fabulous, BOTN

AMBER had some flat spots singing the Mariah song, but I like her.
K: Amber Alert!, beautiful; N: No feeling in beginning, not impressed; R: Not perfect but mad props; M: Loved a lot of your choices; J: A for bravery, low register not emotive enough, #2

Songs by Divas
A- Candice  "When You Believe" (Carey/Houston)
B  Kree     "Have You Ever Been In Love" (Dion)
B  Angie    "Halo" (Beyonce)
B  Amber    "What Are You Doing With The Rest of Your Life" (Babs)
C  Janelle  "Dumb Blonde" (Parton)

CANDICE was flawless, easily the best singer.
N: That is how you do a Mariah/Whitney song; R: Again? BOTN; M: So proud of you; K: Vocals stop me in my tracks

JANELLE should've seemed more 'fun'
R: Fun, but not much vocal; M: cute, fiery; K: Not best song to shine; N: You are great, in jeopardy of going home

KREE almost sounded like Celine Dion, sometimes shaky.
M: Very smart choice, got away slightly; K: Stayed in control; N: You're not country, your worldly; R: You can sing anything

ANGIE's high parts were okay sometimes.
K: Definitely Top 3; N: Angie is back!; R: IITWI; M: Yes Diva, clarity

AMBER sounded old-fashioned.
N: Perfection; R: Most difficult song of season, current; M: Classic, beautiful, elegant; K: Knocked it out of the park

My order: Candice, Kree, Angie, Janelle, Amber


Top 5 perform a Donna Summer medley

Ford Fiesta Mission #4: Scavenger Hunt

Angie, Candice recaps. Paula Abdul shows up to congratulate Candice.

Season 2 Runner-up Clay Aiken performs "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

Recaps for Janelle (including a note from Dolly), Amber, and Kree

Idol Update: Season 3's LaToya London

Season 3 Winner Fantasia performs "Lose to Win"

Candice safe
Angie safe
Amber safe (My #5)

At risk of going home is......
Janelle. Kree is safe.

Janelle performs "Keep Me Hanging On" but is not saved (2 votes for, 2 against). Guess Jimmy had a say?


Top 4 next week, and another 2 HOUR show?!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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