Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Scorsese

To be honest i dont see what they are so worried about because lately when it comes to mass murder on american soil against american citizens, muslims should be the least of fox news is worries. And if we are being too PC about muslims what about young white men who walk into movie theatres, schools and places of worship to kill more than the three people these animals killed.

Excellent point.

I think it's just killing some of you that the Tea Party or gun nuts weren't involved in this deal. smile Islamic terrorists have committed more than 20,741 deadly terrorist attacks since 9/11. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/TheList.html
White guys have incidentally been responsible for what, 3? All in the past year.

Its not really killing me either way. If you read my entire post i was referring to an article about muslim americans hoping it wasnt another muslim before these guys were identified. Also i was referring to mass killings on us soil against us citizens (since 9/11 which was a big one, ill give you that) and i felt that muslim americans should not be made to feel this way as they are not the most frequent offenders when it comes to this type of crime in america, when it comes down to it if muslims get treated differently in a negative way for this than so should the races of or religions of those other mass murderers.