guns are a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, a great way to blow off steam, an effective tool for self defense, and an enjoyable item for many to collect, and a great investment on top of everything. the same problems we have in the gun control debate are the same problems that have shown up in this thread. the people who don't own weapons, and have little to no experience with them, are the same people always calling for more restrictions based on nothing more than emotion, a lack of knowledge, and a biased media agenda.

where i live, its expensive and impractical to go shooting as much as i would like, but i still try to get out there and enjoy it as much as i'm able to. i've brought along some friends who aren't too fond of guns, or just never really gave them a second thought before, and they all had a great time, and really started looking at the issue in a whole different way, and this is after shooting only a few dozen rounds, sometimes less! cool

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!