Current standings. In parentheses is the current total and over/under for pitching starts for the season. When you reach 162 total, you need to bench all your starting pitching. Some of you won't make it to the All-Star Break.

1. East Harlem PalmaBoy 1503 (34/+10)
2. Yogis Slackers 1409 (30/+6)
3. 3X Champions 1378 (27/+3)
4. Chicago Renagades 1270 (43/+19)lol
5. Should b 4x Champion 1195 (25/+1)
6. Bedroom Bombers 1136 (26/+2)
7. King Justice 989 (26/+2)
8. Yao's China Buffet 942 (23/-1)
9. God's Offal 917 (33/+9)
10. JG Yanks 795 (19/-5)