Originally Posted By: fathersson
Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.It is one of those cheap reasons someone pulls when they really don't have a good reason.

couldn't agree more! nobody is happy when accidents happen, but the "if it only saves 1" argument is nothing more than a copout designed to play on emotions. there are so many "preventable" ways that we can save lives, so to pick and choose to further our own personal agendas is dishonest to say the least. the facts are that mass shootings are not the epidemic the media has made them out to be, they are a statistical anomaly.

we need to find a balance between safety and protecting the rights of the law abiding, and where we draw that line is the cause of the debate. in my opinion, the single biggest way to reduce gun violence nationwide would be to reevaluate our current drug laws, as its a fact that the overwhelming majority of our gun violence is a direct result of the illegal drug trade.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 04/28/13 03:43 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!