A write up on Tommy done by a prison friend of his named Rob Rosso. He was a shot caller in the Dirty White Boys.

Tommy Karate

Tomorrow, September 29 2009, a book will be released by Harper Collins entitled "The Butcher: Anatomy Of A Mafia Psycopath". The book, written by author Philip Carola is about a friend of mine named Tommy Pitera, a reputed member of the Bonanno Crime family who is more commonly known among his friends as "Tommy Karate". Convicted of murdering six people and supervising a massive drug dealing operation in Brooklyn, there are some in law enforcement that believe Tommy may have killed as many as 60 people, some mob-related, some not. But I am sure the books main focuss won't be on the number of people that Tommy allegedly killed, but rather the manner in which they supposedly met their end - tortured, dissected, and scattered about in a mafia graveyard. Oh, and more than likely the author will probably mention something about one of Tommy's little souvenir's - a laminated ear. They say he liked to carry it around with him and use it when he interrogated his victims.

I say, lets not get all excited about a few minor details.

Well, whatever Mr Carlo has to say about Tommy I'm sure that it won't be very good. That's why I've decided to share a few words with you about the Tommy Pitera that I know, a well-mannered, soft-spoken, seemingly harmless, kind-hearted gentleman who helped me take care of our dying friend.

In January of 2007 I arrived at the Federal Medical Center (FMC) here an Butner, North Carolina to undergo treatment for my Bladder cancer. The people that I mainly associated were all New York Italians - Greg DePalma, a 76 year-old Gambino capo, Salvatore "Fat Sal" Scala, 64, also a capo of the Gambinos as well as one of four gunman suspected of gunning down crime boss Big Paul Castellano, Metteo "Matty The Horse" Ianneillo, an 89 year-old capo of the Genovese family, Philip "Philly Black" Baonandonno, 71, a Bonanno associate, Jack Meninno, a brooklyn born bank robber who was my age, 37, and Tommy Pitera, 54.

On July 12 2007 a guy that I knew from USP Lewisburg named Joseph "JoJo" Russo arrived at thr FMC in bad shape - he had inoperatable Renal cancer. JoJo, 54, was a reputed member of the Colombo family who had known Tommy since they were kids.

For seventeen days Tommy and I helped the doctors and nurses take care of JoJo. When I say helped, that's actually an understatement. JoJo was unable to bathe himself or control his bodily functions and he was extremely uncomfertable and agitated around strangers, including doctors and nurses. Therefor in order for him to feel more comfertable, Tommy and I took it upon ourselves to bathe him, dress him, change his undergarments throughout the day, and change his bed linen every morning. In fact, as long as we were able, during the day one if not both of us were always by his side and at night we would go to JoJo's room and help him read his mail, watch the news with him, or just sit around talking. This is when Tommy and I became good friends.

I don't want to mislead anyone into believing that Tommy spoke to me about crimes, because he did not. We hung out together for a few months, we took a few photos together, we ate spaghetti with the rest of the Italians twice a week, and that's about it. But I will say that if in fact murders were committed by him they were all criminally related - drug robbery/murders, mob hits, etc. I also know that despite the fact that he was convicted of supervising a drug operation, Tommy hated drugs and those who used them. He believes that drugs destroy families and ruin lives and I can only assume that anyone who sold drugs in his neighborhood or sold drugs to someone that he loved had serious problems. Afterall, Tommy is a martial arts expert who spent three years in Japan training.

Personally, I support the Death Penalty and I'm sure there are some people out there who feel Tommy deserved just that. Well, the prosecutor tried but the jury recognized the truth for what it was - that those he was convicted of killing were all criminals themselves. So instead of death, he recieved life - six life sentences that is.

I agree with the Jury's decision to spare his life.

JoJo lost his battle with cancer on the morning of July 29 2009, but I can assure you one thing. His final days on Earth were a lot easier on him thanks to Tommy Karate. So regardless of what anyone says or writes about him, I'll always remember the Tommy who was very warm, compassionate, and eager to help out his dying friend.

A Psychopath Killer? I think not. I believe a lot of government witnesses may have over exagerated to better deals and now Mr. Carola intends to capitolize off those lies by writing a book based on Tommys trial.

Don't believe everything that you read.