Gays have never been oppressed like black people have, just most people find homosexual marriage to be absurd, and not on the same playing field as real marriage! Humanity has hummed along quite nicely for a couple of thousand years without the need of gay marriage. You don't have to go all the way to Iran to find "freedom haters," just go to France. Over one million French men, women, and children marched in French cities against the passing of gay marriages. You're the reason why people think Americans are morons for the most part, most sane people are against gay marriage, not just Ayatollahs in Iran. Go spout your pro gay marriage crap in any hispanic or black neighborhood in America, you might leave with a black eye though.
Most black people are insulted when the libs try to draw a parallel between them and homosexuals. In fact, many black churches were involved in the Prop 8 issue in California. But you didn't see any of the pro-gay libs go after them, did you? No sir. They wanted no part of getting entangled with the black churches because that wouldn't be politically beneficial. It would shoot their whole pretense about being the champion of minorities right in the butt.
And it's ironic that 123JoeSchmoe would say "Leave it alone." It's the pro-gay libs who can't leave marriage and the status quo alone. Nobody is stopping them from living their lifestyles, as degenerate as it is. Society has been as "tolerant" as it can be. But it was never about tolerance. It was about acceptance. The gay crowd, and their liberal supporters (which includes most of the media), won't be satisfied until they shove the gay agenda down society's throat. Through the courts, through colleges, through movies and TV, and so on.
Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.