36 years ago today on May 4, 1977, STAR WARS was released and movies weren't the same afterwards. A franchise that has produced 6 films (with varying degrees of quality) with a 7th film to be released in Summer 2015 from director J.J. Abrams (STAR TREK). Then new SW-owner Disney plans to produce a new SW film every year afterwards. Not just further adventures of older-than-shit Mark Hamill, but reported spin-off/prequels movies featuring around other characters like Han Solo, Boba Fett, Yoda, etc.

I was inspired to start this thread after reading this article, talking about memories of seeing the SW series when she was young contrasting now as an adult seeing them. Anyone care to share some of their own? I'm intrigued reading about the original moviegoers for EMPIRE STRIKES BACK reacting to that famous plot twist.

(Sadly this wouldn't happen today. With the Internet full of angry bitchy fanboys, they would spoil away something that important and awesome months before the movie comes out. And bitch how stupid it is and not instead Darth Vader isn't the guy that killed Anakin Skywalker, not actually Anakin Skywalker who had fallen to the dark side. They would hate it because its not what Ep. IV had promised. C'mon you all know those assholes would do that.)


Like the author, I was born after the "Original Trilogy" (i.e. the only good one) were originally released in theaters and watched that series on VHS. I remember vividly seeing STAR WARS (forget that Episode IV: A New hope crap) when I was 5, and I don't remember being aware of SW beforehand. God what a life-changing, thrilling experience that sadly no subsequent SW screening has ever captured for me nor ever can because now I'm an adult and I know what happens instead of being totally surprised like I was back then.

One sensational memory I do remember about that first viewing. I thought the movie was over, Happy The End when the Millenium Falcon escaped the Death Star. They rescued the Princess, got away from the bad guys, what else is there? Oh no no no I was wrong. Then we get a SPACE BATTLE which blew everything else in the movie away, and that everything else seen earlier were already incredible stuff.

And even today, that 3rd act in generaly is still masterfully constructed. One by one chances for the Rebels to win this battle slip away, the Death Star closer and closer to blow up the rebels' moon base, then Darth Vader as an awesome bitchy heel shoots down each rebel ship at a time, surrounded by his two bodyguard pilots. Then Luke has to make his run, his fellow ship making that last desperate run get blown up or knocked out of commission. R2-D2 gets zapped (Vader you asshole!), Luke puts away his targeting computer. Vader has him in his sights and zap HAN SOLO SAVES THE DAY! Luke pulls trigger, one awesome explosion later, and "great shot kid! That was one in a million!"

One of the most exhilarating, triumphant moments in all of movie history.