HI there Five- Hope all is well by you. I am off to the range since the weather is near perfect here.
I have a new 9m which I need to test out,take care
things are also very nice here, have a good time! on a more serious note, make sure that you have a serious talk with your gun before you go out. explain to him what kind of behavior is appropriate in public, and make sure he doesn't have any crazy ideas in his head, because we all know that they have a mind of their own!

i would also advise going to the nearest gun shop and going through a backround check right away, after all you are planning on going shooting, you might be mentally ill if that seems like a fun way to spend any of your free time. probably a good idea to get another backround check on the way home as well, who knows, something might have changed. to be fair, maybe we should just set up toll booths on the way to and from all firearms related activities, like a drive thru backround check. we can pay for these by placing a tax on all firearms related purchases. i'm not sure what i'm going to make for dinner, maybe i should look back around in the cabinet and check!