I started this thread, but I don't post in it much because it gets so heated. But I DID read something noteworthy this week. It was in a magazine in a doctor's office, but I'll try to link it if I can find it later on.
Anyway, here's the stat: Over 40 percent of murders in the United States are committed with a common kitchen knife. And in Great Britain, there are more than six murders committed with a knife each week.
I'm sorry, but stats like that DO get you thinking. Violent people are going to commit acts of violence with whatever they can get their hands on. Draconian gun laws aren't the answer. Now that said, I support background checks, and I still don't know why John Q. Public needs a military type arsenal, but the anti-gun people are living in a fantasy world. It's "Pollyanna" to think that taking guns away from honest and decent people will deter criminals in any way.
I wouldn't trust that magazine. Such myths are debunked by the FBI reports, gathered by snopes. Read here:
Snopes67% of murders are done with guns.
And just think about it. You can outrun a guy who tries to mass murder people with a knife. Could you say the same with a semi automatic gun? And they couldn't limit the magazine sizes in that bloody bill.