The car comparison is interesting. In Germany, as some of you might know, there's no speed limit on most of the "Autobahn" (highways). The ADAC prevents stricter laws.
What's the ADAC? Something like the NRA for cars.
How interesting. So that's why we call highways "Autobahn" as well.
The number one killer in our country is car accidents. I guess that's because neither our cars nor our autobahns are as great as german's, heck they aren't half good as german's, but people want to drive even faster and more reckless than any Germans could possibly imagine. Seat belts? "Where are we? Insane asylum?" Speed limit? "That's for pussies! You have to go at least twice as fast as the speed limit" Going zigzag? "Oh, yeah!" And that's the sort of law breaking stupid attitude that gets us killed in absence of guns.