
I see that you are a expert or think you are an expert now on cyber attitude also-

But you still can't or won't understand that I am talking about the Boston Bomber and their screwed up family that have been in the news!!!!

I asked "was your Family Here, Did you live off our Govt?" did we the people of the UNITED STATES pay to school you when you where a student here?

If not then how could this be you or your Family???

If this all fits you then that would be a different story all together.
The post was showing the difference between a bomber and a gun owner if you didn't understand that!
Have you read the whole thread? You would have read why people feel that backgrounds checks will not work for this problem.
BY the way I don't argue....I give real reasons and can give you a view point from a large group of gun owners who work with these guns, can you do you the same?
or are your opinions based on how you feel? Do you know how things work, say here in NEW YORK State for guns? Have you gone thru any of the process...
What it takes to have one? or are you just a look up on the internet and form your opinions from what you read?
BTW...You may think I have a

tone, But I am really sitting here

because I do know the truth on this subject even if there are others who disagree.
The only thing I have always asked is for people to read posts, and listen to what others say. Vs taking pot shots for the hell of it. I don't think you or others will change their opinions and I am not going to waste my time trying...I just hope to make sure that some people understand the other side.