[ I also had read the Turnbull's post right after he posted it. And he said that unlike you, he had no problem submitting to a background check. You on the other hand, never said why you are against background checks or what harm could it bring about. Give it time, compare numbers after a period of time. If it didn't change the number of gun related deaths, then we could agree that mandatory background checks are useless.
Here you remember Turnbull's post because it agrees for you but you can't seem to remeber mine before it.
TURNBULLS: My view: although expanded background checks would not have prevented the CT horror, they might--
just might--prevent some people who shouldn't have firearms from buying them. As a law-abiding gun owner and a CCW holder, I would not have objected to submitting to a background check at a gun show.
For me
"just might" isn't a good enough reason, just like "if it save just one life"
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.
Well, lets see who they are then. Would love to put an expert name to your statement.
I see you like to keep throwing this up...
We already have checks here in NEW YORK STATE and many other states, but it is thrown around like "Checks" are the big crime stopper. More like the answer if they aren't going to ban all those scary rifles....lets feel safe and do background checks.
You do understand that a background check no matter how many you do is not going to keep a gun from a crimal right?
FBI states that 9 out 0f 10 weapons used are stolen or not register to people
Excuse me- to the right people-
There that is why!
And let me give a few more reasons:
1)We already have gone thru checks to get a permit. license and purchase of guns already,
2)No Money for the people to handle yet another group of checks.
They already have a two year wait just to get your permts in some areas so how far back do you want people tp wait while you add more hurdles
And the most important thing to remember:
IT is not going to keep a gun from a crimal.
PROVEN FACT!Now you know - for sure!