But I liked that he was sure to point out that most responsible gun owners are NOT affiliated with the NRA.
If you didn't find those pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.
i don't understand that logic at all. are you somehow implying, or agreeing with the idea that gun owners who are affiliated with the nra are irresponsible? if thats the way you feel then perhaps you should provide some facts that back up why you think that way, besides the whole "crazy wayne" copout. the nra is the public whipping boy for the sole reason that they are the most visible, and certain folks think they have an ace up their sleave when they let us know that the gun manufactures donate money to them. no shit, they are a lobbyist organization, but the 5 million members and growing also support them financially.
i've pointed this out before, they do alot of good and are one of the main proponents of gun safety classes that are a big part of most of the liberal gun control crowds "reasonable restrictions" arguments. this isn't directed at you, but if people really dislike the nra so much, then donate money to some of the lobbyist groups with an opposing viewpoint. if you are not prepared to do that, than do the rest of us a favor and just shut the hell up! put your money where your mouth is or move on.
as far as the kids holding guns, i can't for the life of me see the problem with kids handling unloaded weapons in a controlled situation with proper supervision. if we want people to grow up knowing how to handle firearms responsibly, then they should be taught and educated at an early age. thats not even taking into consideration the whole "families sharing common interests and having a good time together" line or reasoning. with all of those death machines floating around, how many people were shot and killed there this past weekend?