Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
First of all Welcome back Goombah my friend. Hope all is well with you. smile

Btw, does anyone else think the 911 operator, tho asking the right questions, seemed kind of cold??


Hi TIS! Good to hear from you too!

I'm not excusing it, but here is why the 911 operator appeared to be somewhat disbelieving. There were several false leads that came in during these disappearances. One was even a cruel hoax in which an inmate claimed that he knew where one of these girls was buried. The police dug up a location only to discover it not to be true.

I know more answers will be forthcoming. But it appears that these women were held captive for around 10 years. There appear to have been at least 3 men confining the women. How did Amanda Berry crawl out of there and these guys not know? It would seem that given the vast amount of time they held the women captive, it was obvious that they were not going to let them go. Did the kidnappers simply tire of keeping up this ruse or did they let their guard down for just a minute? If it's the latter, then even more kudos go to Amanda Berry for never giving up.