Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Oli, that's great that you do that. Especially after this current story. To think, these girls were actually close to home and like you say, somebody's neighbor. Very chilling.


It seems that in those few instances when these victims are found, they are usually very close to home.

It seems that the Cleveland Police had occasion to visit the Castro residence several times in the past ten years, including one time when a young, naked woman had been reported to be crawling in the back yard, but apparently the door wouldn't be answered and the police did nothing further.

The allegation of a nude woman being in the backyard in chains was refuted by the police today. They determined after extensive FBI interviews with the victims that this claim was unsubstantiated.

Among the many disturbing disclosures, Amanda Berry said that she was only outside of that house twice on her ten years of being held. Think about that. Most of us probably left our homes twice today. She was taken to the garage in a disguise.

Amanda's escape was the 3rd time she was outdoors. She apparently escaped by herself. The other two women were so psychologically abused and fearful that they did not attempt to escape.

Also very surprising that only one of the brothers has been charged as of today.