It was early 1958 almost a year after Appalachian and Lucky was still steaming about Vito Genovese’s power play in New York. Many thoughts crossed his mind, revenge, murder, torture, and contempt. He just could not fathom how someone would openly challenge his authority. So he waited and plotted. Knowing that at some point in time he would have to take care of his old acquaintance or he would be the one taken care of. Then it happened.

Every morning prior to leaving his home Lucky would always have a local mechanic check his car to make sure it wasn’t tampered with. As Charlie, a bodyguard, and the mechanic, leaned in to view the motor, something caught Lucky’s attention and reacting instinctively he quickly turned around just in time to duck and avoid being hit by a metal pipe. Behind the metal pipe was a ferocious looking thug who was getting ready to take another swing.

Seeing Lucky duck, his bodyguard quickly tackled the would-be assailant to the ground. Unfortunately, there were two assailants and the second one was rounding the garage corner. Running by the frozen mechanic, knocking him unconscious, he raced to stab Lucky. Seeing the second hit-man heading for Lucky, the bodyguard managed to tackle him as well and wrestle a knife away from him. As Lucky’s bodyguard subdued the would-be assassin, Lucky went to work on the second now very dazed assailant.

Both hit-men were asked to not use pistols as this would cause too much noise and quickly draw the attention of nearby residents. By this time, as the weary mechanic made it to his knees, he saw both Lucky and his bodyguard tying up both would be assassins and continuing to beat them all the while asking who they worked for. Lucky would later complain. “Those sons of bitches put a real good dent in my car.”

After a few days of friendly chat sessions, both thugs gave up their master’s name, Trigger Mike Coppola. Lucky suspected it would be someone working for Genovese. Trigger Mike might have had aspirations but he was not suicidal, and Lucky figured he would have never tried this on his own, which could only lead to his old nemesis Genovese.

Lucky and his bodyguards drove both hit-men to the airport and quickly put them on a plane back to New York. Soon after arriving, both men disappeared and were never heard from again. If anything, Genovese never took bad news well. It would now be Lucky’s time to act against the greedy pig Genovese. Considering his love for narcotics, rumor has it he supplied heroin to U.S. soldiers while on the lam in Italy, Genovese’s fall would come quickly and from an unexpected source.

Last edited by Toodoped; 05/10/13 05:03 AM.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.