I had the same feeling but I doubted myself because it was posted by what seems to be a news channel.

Whatever happen Joe Bravo sure does look pissed about something in that video. Maybe some problems happen and they took him out for it maybe he over stepped his boundaries. I also wouldn't rule out the fact that the Sadutos felt thretended by him and acted alone. Whos to say Joe Bravo went there and said hey you use to work for me so pay up and they had problem with it because they had already established themselves in Sciliy.

I doubt the theory that he would be taken out for not being made and knowing to much as he has never ratted and always done his time, hes a true man of honor made or not. Not to mention the mafia is increasingly using outsiders especially the Rizzuto Organization. It is also plausible that this is directly related to the conflict in Canada and Joe Bravo either got killed for protecting Rizzutos interests or he switched sides and the Rizzutos had him taken out. Your guess is as good as mine.