Copied & pasted from Facebook:

*******UPDATE 5/10/13***Kidnap victim Michelle Knight has requested that her family members not visit her in the hospital as she recovers from what has been an 11-year ordeal, apparently because those closest to her didn’t look for her after she disappeared.

*******UPDATE*******Michelle Knight is still being treated for anxiety at Metro Health Medical Center tonight. But Monday reports that Michelle is hospitalized, for possible reconstructive surgery, to heal injuries suffered at the hands of her attacker during her decade in captivity.
Friends a special prayer to the forgotten victim Michelle Knight the first one kidnapped and longest one held, her disappearance was never really reported and she was never even looked for because she had family problems way before this even happened to her and her mom and family was a trip she still has refused to even see her mom so far, who came back up North for her 15 mins of fame. Michelle was the one called on by Ariel Castro to do all the dirty work and she was the oldest and the one that delivered Amanda Berry's child and when that child stopped breathing was told by Ariel Castro if that baby dies so will you, so she performed mouth to mouth and revived that child. He impregnated her 5 times but each time he would deliberately beat the baby out of her or starve it out! Remember she was there two years before the other girls ever got there, she is still in the hospital really going through mental stuff more so then the other girls she is the most frail cause he tortured her and starved her more so then the other two. Her face is badly disfigured the bones they say from the beatings and no health attendance to her wounds and that her hearing is practically gone from all the beatings. She doesn't have a home to go to and does not have the family support like the other two so a special prayer to Michelle Knight the forgotten victim.

This just breaks my heart in a million pieces.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12