Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
This is truly awful & sickening. And, yes, surprisingly (or not) it is happening to men as well. However, what I don't get is does the military itself act as their own judge, jury? Are they the law, and are lawyers helping these victims? I really have a problem with that. Too many power hungry and obviously abusive SOBs in charge of other power hungry/abusive sobs. mad

Military-related litigation, including criminal cases like this, are handled in military tribunals. In this embarrassing case the military requested, but the county, in which the assault allegedly took place, declined to relinquish jurisdiction as it involved a civilian victim in a civilian setting.

There is a disturbing precedent, by which the Air Force (and other military branches) have treated sexual assault cases. When legitimate charges are dismissed, it creates a chilling effect, preventing other victims coming forward, fearing that it would negatively impact their careers.