Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles

None. Beacuase I haven´t got the talent to write. You may have the talent to write, but your researching talents are questionable. I´m glad you joined this forum. Perhaps you´d be so kind to answer some of my questions?

Going through only two of your articles (I haven´t time to go through all of them), I found numerous of errors. None of your articles provides any sources or footnotes which seems to suggest that some of them are based on that dreadful book "The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano" which any crime historian with dignity and integrity should know is a fraudulent book. (Check out for instance Faith´s link to a Informer article he provided in another post.) OR, your articles seems to be based on your vivid imagination. If so, you should at least put "Cautious! The conclusion of this article reflects the opinion of the author only" at the end of each article. That way readers will not be confused about the "info" you are providing.

Here are some of the errors I found in the two articles I managed to read through:

"Frankie DeCicco was the only remaining man left alive on the Gambino administration panel. DeCicco, being Gambino family Consigliere, spoke at the sit-down and ordered an investigation into the slayings."

- What is the source for this claim? DeCicco was never Castellano´s consigliere. He wasn´t part of the Gambino administration at the time of Castellano´s and Bilotti´s death. Joe N. Gallo was.

"Carmine ‘Lilo’ Galante was born in 1910 in Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily"

- Lilo was born in NY.

"While Bonanno appreciated the resulting calm of the streets, he became wary of the new boss of bosses."

- After the death of Maranzano, there was no boss of bosses. Why would Bonanno become wary of the new boss of bosses? You know that the boss of bosses was appointed by the Mafia Assembly by consensus? Check Gentile for example.

"Bonanno sent for him [Lilo] and gave him a job. This would be the beginning of a long-lasting relationship that would span decades and many murders. Soon thereafter, Galante became a made-man, a man of honor and respect, a title he had craved ever since his teens. Galante quickly went to work brutalizing anyone who stood in his way to the top. By the mid-1950′s Galante had earned the respect and trust of Bonanno and other New York families, enough to be named Underboss of the Bonanno crime family. And while Galante answered directly to Bonanno he also carried out hits for Vito Genovese."

- What is the source for this claim? Galante was never Bonanno´s underboss. And does it really sound plausible to you that an underboss (which you claim he was) carried out hits for Genovese? Just silly!

"John Sciacca being appointed boss by the Commission. Sciacca not wanting to be a puppet boss stepped down and handed the family to Natale Evola."

- Who is this John Sciacca? I never heard of him before.

"Galante was intent on taking back what was once his regardless of who was at the helm."

- How can that be when Galante did not have any position as boss/underboss in the first place? Are you talking out of your ass here?

"Released in 1974, Galante quickly took over as Acting Boss of the Bonanno family,"

- Could you please elaborate on this. How exactly was this done? I REALLY would like to know.

"Soon after being released, Galante started to import and surround himself with Sicilian Zips."

- The so called "zips" started to arrive in the US in the early 1960s. How can you claim that "Galante started to import zips" when he was in jail at the time? Have you read Luigi Ronsisvalle´s testimony explaining how "Bonanno zips" arrived in the US? Lilo had nothing to do with "importing" zips.

"A few months after being named acting boss and to the dismay of many wiseguys, Galante named Salvatore ‘Toto’ Catalano Underboss of the family."

- What is the source for this claim? Catalano wasn´t even made in 1974/1975. Who oppsed Catalano´s elevation to underboss? I want names and I want proof.

"Mirra was a loyal follower of Galante and soon thereafter, both would be arrested for drug dealing."

- Could you please explain when was Galante arrested for drug dealing? He certainly was not in the 1970s as you imply.

"The gunmen that day were Anthony ‘Bruno’ Indelicato Jr., Dominick ‘Big Trin’ Trinchera, Sonny ‘Sonny Black’ Napolitano, and Louis Giongetti."

- How do you know Sonny Black was a part of the gunman team? Could you tell me more about this Louis Giongetti fella? Have you read Frank Lino´s testimony on the Galante hit?

"When the ruling came down for Galante to be hit, Carlo Gambino was considered to be the boss of bosses. The Gambino family patriarch was the most powerful don in America and everyone knew it. He gave Rusty the okay to hit Galante and the rest was history. Gambino would go on to become one of the most powerful and smartest bosses in Cosa Nostra history. His crime family legacy to this day has been marginalized by a decision he made while on his deathbed. Instead of following Cosa Nostra tradition and naming Anthony Dellacroce the succeeding boss, he dishonored the family and caused a quiet insurrection by instead naming Paul ‘Big Paul’ Castellano boss of the Gambino Crime family."

- Here´s another reference to boss of bosses although no Mafia boss held that title since Maranzano was murdered in 1931. And just for the fun of it, you know that Gambino died in 1976, don´t you? That´s three years prior to the Galante hit. And who is Anthony Dellacroce?

"Colombo was known as a ‘go to’ guy when a hit was required. Colombo was handy with a bat and preferred this method to the much faster gun when information or torture was required."

- What is the source for this claim? Could you please name anybody killed/tortured by Colombo...and killed/tortured by Colombo with a bat?

"In effect, it was a mythical title that through years was only whispered in closed circles. Never allowing outsiders to know just who held the title. The title was in a sense symbolic, and provided a broad picture of the person having it. It signified immense power, honor, and respect. It represented everything Joseph Bonanno aspired to be as a Mafioso."

- How do you know Bonanno aspired to become a boss of bosses. have you read Bonanno´s book?

"The only other time something like this had been attempted was during the purge of the old mustache Pete’s by Charlie Luciano."

- You surely know that the purge is just a myth. So why are you saying this?

"The Commission knew that the longer the war [Bananas war] went on the stronger the possibility the feds would get involved. Therefore, a sit down was called where both factions would meet to settle their differences. The meeting would be held at a house on Troutman Street in Brooklyn.

- In this passage you are describing that bodies littered the NY streets before the Troutman Street ambush. (I failed to copy and paste the whole passage. check the original article.) How can that be when the ambush was the OPENING volley in the Bananas war?

"While the Commission knew the implications of the ongoing war, DiGregorio also knew that if left alive, Bonanno’s son Bill would eventually conspire to kill him in an effort to reclaim the family. DiGregorio with several torpedoes in tow arrived hours early at the house and set up different sniper nests. All that was left was for Bill and his men to arrive in order to be gunned down in a hail of gunfire.
Bill, taught to be cautious by his father, parked a couple of blocks away and slowly made his way to the house on Troutman. It was late in the evening and the only visible light was a small rotted out street post that barely made the house visible. As they approached Bill sensed movement and caught what appeared to be a faint reflection of light coming from across the street. At that split second a volley of gunfire came at the men."

- Bill Bonanno explained the event in full detail in "Bound by honor". Why are you explaining the event differently? For example, the shooting started AFTER Bill and his followers left the house.

"After a few days of friendly chat sessions, both thugs gave up their master’s name, Trigger Mike Coppola."

- I don´t remeber reading this in the "Last Testament of Lucky Luciano". So what is your source for this? If it´s from the Last Testament book, a page reference would be nice.

- Where can I find the area of Appalachia? Is it in Canada? Or West Virgina? You do know that the national meeting was being held in Apalachin, NY, don´t you?

///I could go on and on pointing at obviuos errors in your articles. Do you want me to continue? Just let me know.

Anybody can set up a blog and write about anything. No big deal. But not everybody has the endurance and dedication enough to go through tons and tons of info and do the research required for a close-to-truth article. As an owner/editor of a Mafia site where you aspire to inform your readers on the American Mafia, you have an obligation to do a better job when researching for your articles. Sorry buddy, but that´s where you fail.

Fuck, I should charge you a consultant fee for the advice and info given to you in this post.

I'm not going to refute some of your findings. Some of them are erroneous. However, I will say that some of your findings are correct. Once again, I will state that the base occurrences are entirely correct and documented.

It would also be easy for me to go through all of your posts and pick them apart checking for facts.

Before you have your crew (LCN1987) try to internet jump me, let me say that I took the time to join this forum (temporarily) in order to defend my website as a whole, not point by point, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph. Many different sections of my sites contain information derived from different reputable sources.

I will however, point out was so blatantly obvious. You add very little substance to your posts and your membership to GangsterBB is more detrimental than helpful.

Instead of ridiculing me why not take the time to befriend me and start a conducive and valuable dialogue that can only add value to this forum and it's members?

My article series 'The Sicilian Mafia Makes it in America' is based on my personal recollection of books, newspapers, magazines, and interviews, that I've done over the past 25 years. I would dare to say that each article written so far contains the following:

Sensationalism 10%
Factual 90%

All the best,

BenSiegel @ MobbedUp.com