Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Again, you go with your little fantasy world where every female is a barbie doll and all men are Ken dolls. Just as there are men who would cringe at the thought of shooting a gun, there are females who crave for it. Psyche doesn't adhere to one's gender. If there are females who would be happier serving in military than working in a hair salon, I don't see why they should be excluded just because you feel your manhood is threatened by a GI Jane. wink

That's just it. Outside of Hollywood, there are no GI Jane's. Most women don't want to be in the military, and most of those who are in the military don't want to be in combat. It's only a relative few shrill ones who do. Never mind the fact that virtually all of them won't be able to measure up to the same physical requirements as the men. Nobody is saying all women are Barbies and all men are Kens. But there certainly is a distinct and inherent difference between men and women, generally speaking, and a handful of feminist libs who want to revamp the military to their liking isn't going to change that.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.