You only repeat one thing, a woman can't be as good as any of men in her platoon. I think it has a lot to do with her height and weight and her physical strength. There's only one period of time a woman might not be fit for serving and that's pregnancy. Aside form that, she could be better than some of men and yet not as good as some others. I don't think a woman has to be the strongest one among men to prove herself. It's not a sword fight anymore, even on the ground.
I have to keep repeating it because you don't want to accept reality. Virtually all woman are simply not going to be able to measure up to the same physical requirements as the men. That's a fact. That's biology. It's not a matter of them measuring up to the strongest man. It's virtually all of them not measuring up to even the weakest man, physically.
But, hey, don't take my word for it. See what Capt. Katie Petronio said on the subject.
Get Over It! We Are Not All Created Equal