At least I posted it before the finale

Because I was away, I didn't take notes on the judges' comments.
Top 3Jimmy's Picks
B Candice "One"
B- Angie "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"
C- Kree "Perfect"
KREE was hardly "perfect" on this; can't stand up to Candi & Angie
CANDICE didn't disappoint, but another awkward choice (haven't heard Mary J Blige's version)
ANGIE, not at the piano for an Elton song, was proficient but a bit one-dimensional
Jimmy picked Angie, I picked Candice
Judges' Picks
B+ Angie "Try"
B Candice "Next To Me"
B- Kree "Here Comes Goodbye"
CANDICE goes home (St Helena Island, SC); Did okay with a less than exciting song
ANGIE goes home (Beverly, MA); sounded good with this song, natural
KREE goes home (Woodville, TX); did a little better in her genre
Jimmy picked Kree, I picked Angie. I guess he wanted to give each contestant a round, so they assumed [knew?!] who'd be better I guess.
Producers' Picks
B+ Candice "Somewhere"
B- Angie "Maybe"
C Kree "Better Dig Two"
ANGIE, even at the piano this time, didn't blow me away for a Top 3
KREE dropped back to the bottom with this
CANDICE sung a West Side Story tune, really? And she rawked it!
Jimmy and I both picked Candice, who won the night for both of us.
My standings:
1. Candice (35 votes)
2. Angie (15 votes)
3. Kree
ResultsWell, we already know what happened.

EPIC "cast" in the control room
Ryan glanced at Randy when he said who might not be back and Randy giggled. I thought I had a scoop, but hadn't heard yet how he was planning on leaving the show after this season. While he was mostly worthless this season, I just can't imagine the show without ANY original judges. Keith has been great, and while infinitely annoying, even Nikki was a good, honest judge. Mariah was pretty worthless as well, so I don't need her back. But who can possibly fill Randy's shoes??
Top 3 perform "Who Says"
Fiesta Mission: Choir
Round 1 highlights: Jimmy says "Angie should've played piano, but she still won, 9/10"
Season 10 runner-up Lauren Alaina sings "Barefoot and Buckwild"
We get Season 13 Auditions info
Round 2 highlights [missed most of it]
Mariah video "Beautiful" feat. Miguel
Video of Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert who has 10 #1 hits!
Alicia Keys performs "Tears Always Win"
Round 3 highlights: Jimmy says "if Candice goes home, I'm going with her" to studio clapping
Candice is safe
Now the b.s. begins....
Kree is safe!!

...what b.s.!! I suppose they want to guarantee Candi the win and didn't want to take a chance on a close call with Angie, but c'mon now.... Kree was NOT up to par!!
Angie attempts to sing through her balling.
So..... did Idol jump the shark this season, last season, or will it next season?