Wow. Candice's version of "I Who Have Nothing" was just incredible.
It was good, but not as good as the first time she did it.
Top 2"Country vs Soul"
"Kreedom vs Candi Girl"
From the Nokia Theatre....
Simon Fuller's Picks
B Kree "Angel"
B Candice "Chasing Pavements"
KREE wasn't too bad, nice falsetto.
CANDICE had a boring song, with nowhere to go.
M: Wow, beyond, proud, magnificent talent, blown away
R: Good two Final 2, both sleepy choices [ty!], edge to Candice
Embarrassingly, the Coca-Cola "Perfect Harmony" song "Take a Picture" is performed by Carly Rae Jepsen (a Canadian Idol finalist)
Potential Singles
B- Candice "I Am Beautiful"
C Kree "All Cried Out"
KREE has a boring single, not terrific performance
CANDI has a better song, better vox, but still a bit Zzz
K: to me soul is soul, songs taylor made [for both]; "fit her like a Glover", KREE [for Round 2]
N: Love Kree's composure, love Candi's song; CANDICE for Round 2
Season Favorite
B Candice "I Who Have Nothing"
B- Kree "Up to The Mountain"
KREE, Ballad #3, okay, Zzz again.
K: Beautiful, your story
N: Energy is uplifting, rich, beautiful voice and soul
R: Winning kinda performance, your BOTN, very nice
M: Felt you on both [?] performances, gave us power here
CANDI, Big song, big voice, but not as good as Week 10's.
K: OMGosh, such a powerhouse, incredible
N: Loved that perf, super-star, command the stage
R: That girl can plumb flat-out sing, how you do it
M: Innate ability, undeniable talent
For me, closer than last week, but gotta give it to Candi (50 votes)
R: So close right now, amazing performances, vote!