It pains me to make this statement but I was not too thrilled with Kill Bill Vol 1. In fact I was disappointed. I will give it another viewing when it is shown on cable, and then give Vol 2 a try.

I am a Tarantino fan and have enjoyed his films but Kill Bill did not live up to the promise and expectations from the young film director that made Reservoir Dogs over twelve years ago. Like I said I do enjoy his films

Reservoir Dogs- A very good film
Pulp Fiction- A great film, blown away the first time I saw it
Jackie Brown- A good film
Kill Bill Vol 1- OK

I wouldn’t say that he is overrated, but I do think he has slipped. He has a very small body of work so a slip certainly cannot go un-noticed. I know he is very fascinated with 70’s pop culture, but I think he could have waited to get a few more films under his belt before he made his homage to martial arts films. Right from the beginning of the film with that

“ Quentin Tarantino’s Forth Film”

What the hell was that, like I should be honored to view the upcoming film from a self anointed film genius? My expectations were set very high but all I got was a cross between Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon & Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle.

Also I loved the writing of True Romance,

I’m sorry

"Francis can I have a momment"