Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
As enjoyable as I found the film--and indeed it is a great film, in my opinion--it's been largely overrated. If Tarantino (whose justified reputation preceded him) hadn't done this, and it had been some debut feature with lack of funding to advertise, people wouldn't be making such a fuss over a messy bloodbath and a slow, dialogue-filled sequel.

Out of interest, who here has seen Shogun Assassin, the film featured in Kill Bill Volume 2? It's awful.

I couldn't agree more with what you said in the 1st paragraph. But because it is Quentin, it's great in a lot of people's eyes. Quentin just has that reputation (that he deserves & earns). It's like how people see Hitchcock or Kubrick. They're all "cult directors" as I call them. They have a certain group of people who follow them & think that everything they turn out is gold.

I have not seen Shogun Assassin, but I'd LOVE to. Also, has anyone seen The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly as well as Rio Bravo or Mad Max (these were named off by Clarence in True Romance, but I have yet to see any of them). Are they any good, and if so, which should I watch first??