Originally Posted By: MaryCas
My apologies for not reading all the news reports, but where are the muslim clerics denouncing these acts? Unless my feeble mind is missing something, I don't recall Christians doing anything like this. In the name of Allah....muslim claims to be a peaceful religion. I'm waiting.

Farouk Murad, spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, says the attack is "an insult and attack against our faith and our community", adding: "We must stand united against this kind of criminal activity... Islam does not under any pretext give the licence to kill innocents on our streets.

Julie Siddiqi, of the Islamic Society of Britain, tells BBC Radio 4: "The people who did this act yesterday do not speak in my name, do not speak for my community or the rest of the country. We have to come out with the strongest condemnation, which is what I'm seeing this morning."

The Greenwich Islamic Centre condemns Wednesday's "barbaric murder": "The Muslims of the Greenwich Islamic Centre in the Royal Borough of Greenwich... share the grief and sorrow of the nation. Our hearts go out to the family, colleagues and friends of the victim of this despicable and horrific tragedy."

The Greenwich Islamic Centre adds: "The local Muslim community has always enjoyed an excellent relationship with the people from all walks of life regardless of their religion, colour or ethnic background. At this moment of confusion, uncertainty and naturally highly charged emotions, we earnestly appeal to the media not to rush to judgement and wait for the final findings by the law enforcement agencies."

Mrs Azeem in Peterborough emails: This attack is barbaric totally against what the Koran and our prophet teaches us. Islam is about peace. It teaches us love and respect for every being. No true Muslim could behave in such a manner. It also causes tensions between communities. I just pray we can learn to accept people of all faiths and communitie