Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
^and we've heard from the extreme right nonsense peanut gallery. Somebody else wanna talk?

We've been through this before with you, no adult commentary, just childish little insluts. The guys in London didn't drive over from Heathrow after their plane ride from Karachi. They found their ideology and it was nurtured in Britain, just like the Tsarnayev Brothers in Massachussets. The more degenerate the West becomes the more young Muslims in the West are going to embrace fundamental Islam. The liberal turds behind multiculturalism thought these Muslims would stop taking their religion serious and assimilate into the wider liberal society, but that ain't gonna happen buddy, we are going to see more and more of this stuff in the future. Guys like you can keep the blinders on though, and call everyone who doesn't agree with your crap a "lunatic," a "nutter," etc.