Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Originally Posted By: GerryLang
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
^and we've heard from the extreme right nonsense peanut gallery. Somebody else wanna talk?

We've been through this before with you, no adult commentary, just childish little insluts. The guys in London didn't drive over from Heathrow after their plane ride from Karachi. They found their ideology and it was nurtured in Britain, just like the Tsarnayev Brothers in Massachussets. The more degenerate the West becomes the more young Muslims in the West are going to embrace fundamental Islam. The liberal turds behind multiculturalism thought these Muslims would stop taking their religion serious and assimilate into the wider liberal society, but that ain't gonna happen buddy, we are going to see more and more of this stuff in the future. Guys like you can keep the blinders on though, and call everyone who doesn't agree with your crap a "lunatic," a "nutter," etc.

If you seriously think Muslims are blowing things up due to "liberalism" in the west you're out of your mind.

You dont have a clue of what you're talking about. Western liberalisn is a big factor in why Western Muslims become terrorist, it is the incubator. Tamerlan Tsarnayev became a terrorist while living in the liberal college towns of greater Boston. That is where he became alienated, as he said " I have no American friends, I don't understand them." He couldn't connect with them and their liberal lifestyle, and multiculturalism didn't work. I feel sorry for todays youth, they have no community. I'm in my early 30's, not an old guy, and I've seen things change a lot in my life time. I had it great growing up, me and my friends had things in common that made us extremly close. None of our mothers wore a burqa, none of our friends had a halal or Glatt kosher kitchen, none followed a religion where animals were sacrificed in front of the house, or it was unlucky to see the number 13 or have a female child, etc.

It is a shame and extremly dangerous most people, including are leaders aren't very deep thinkers. They want easy and simple answers. like blaming guns or poverty. They blame guns for school shootings! The morons don't realize that America has been awash with guns for over a century. but school shootings are a modern phenomenon. They weren't happening in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. They started to happen when the country became liberalized, and kids were screwed up, families and communtites were destroyed....