Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Because this country is getting dumber by the day.

Funny I thought you would say "gayer."

I would probably blame the public failure of the Drug War.

Originally Posted By: Don Pappo Napolitano
Vito Corleone "I believe this drug business is gonna destroy us in the years to come".

Unfortunatly, in Argentina, many people talk about legislation of Marijuana. I say I am against it, I agree with the drug policy of the arabian countries. Its a shame to me listening younger people than me talking about it. I rather allow the duels of gentelmen, you know, sword and pistols, its a healthier "legislation".

You know what? In my country, those on favor of "legislation" of Marijuana, "oh what a coincidence!" smoke marijuana, ALL of them... rolleyes Pretty coincidence, isnĀ“t it?

You lost me when you praised governments who have no qualms chopping your head off or jailing your ass for naming a teddy bear after a religious prophet.

Originally Posted By: olivant
Keep in mind that marijuana is still illegal per the federal Controlled Substances Act. While the federal government may choose to decline prosecution of certain users of the drug, it will still prosecute those who produce and distribute it.

Yet the President decided just recently not to get involved in Colorado. I assume because he read the polling data and realized if he did continue his anti-Pot work (derided by Rolling Stone magazine as worse than Dubya on that front), he very well alienate a good segment of voters that the party will need in '14/'16, and which Republicans could champion as a good issue against the Democrats.

That's my guess.